Mjög vönduð kaplavél sem býður upp á fjölmarga æfingamöguleika. Hentar t.d. vel inn á líkamsræktarstöðvar, heilbrigðisstofnanir og sjúkarþjálfunarstöðvar.
Designed to provide an intense workout while eliminating strain, the Pro Clubline Series II pieces are hard to beat. Easy and convenient step in entry makes getting started a breeze.
Thick, comfortable Durafirm™ pads reduce fatigue and discomfort allowing you keep working out.
Rock solid support and stability is delivered via heavy-gauge steel frames with all-4-side welded construction.
The fully shrouded weight stack offers a safe and attractive machine that is sure to be a hit in any facility.
Includes two cable handles, traditional lat pull down bar and straight bar.

Málsetningar: | Lengd L 221.7, breidd 84.4, hæð 219.8 sm |
Þyngd: | 189 kg / 215 kg |
Litur: | Grátt og svart |
Efni: |
5 x 7,5 cm high-tensile strength steel |
Nánar: |
Double, powder-coat finish protects against scratching, chipping and peeling |
- Independent back pull down for symmetrical strength
- Easy acces
- Adjustable knee-peg (5 positions)
- Extra-tough, tear-resistant Durafirm™ upholstery is double-stitched. Features high density top grade foam
- Shrouded weight stack 72.5 kg
- Long seat (seated row)
- Anti-slip footrest
- Double, powder-coat finish protects against scratching, chipping and peeling
- 5 x 7,5 cm high-tensile strength steel
- Training exercises included
- Available in 2 versions: with 72.5 kg or 105 kg weight
- Ideal for private and commercial use